Ataraxy Health & Vitality

Chiropractic | Physiotherapy | Kinesiology | Massage Therapy

Your Journey to a Healthy, Active, Vibrant Lifestyle Starts Here

A team of caring, experienced, and knowledgeable clinicians will help you heal from injuries, restore your mobility, and boost your performance.

Live a Healthy, Active, Vibrant Lifestyle | Like This Fit Woman Facing the Mirror at the Gym

Enhance Recovery

Feel Energized

Increase Strength

Boost Performance

Ataraxy Health & Vitality for Chiropractor, Physiotherapy, Kinesiology, Massage Therapy

Empowering You to Live a Healthy, Active, Vibrant Lifestyle

It’s Hard to Enjoy Life When You’re in Pain

Skeleton Bones Leaning Against a Rock needs Chiropractor & Physiotherapist

Not At Your Best?

Are injuries your enemy?
Are you feeling the mileage of life?
Are you experiencing the wear of constant abuse?
Are aches & pains impacting your quality of life?

We can put humpty back together again!

Acute or Chronic Pain

Are you suffering from daily aches and pains? Sports injuries? Motor Vehicle accident? Many things can cause body pain: accident, injury, sports, recreation. Pain is not fun but it has value. It’s the body’s signal that something is wrong. Don’t ignore it!

Our Team Can Help You!

Woman Sitting in a Chair Experiencing Back Pain Needs a Massage Therapist or Chiropractor
Black Lazy Tired Dog is Laying on a Bench

Lack of Energy?

Are your workouts subpar?
Are your relationships suffering?
Are you feeling sluggish?
Are you experiencing occasional mental fog?

Pain Shouldn’t Be Part of Your life!

Finding It Hard to Be Active?

Movement is essential for a healthy and vibrant life. Exercise and recreation are a crucial part of your health and vitality, but they add stress to the body and increase the chances of injury. Take care of your body. It’s the only one you have.

You Are Not Alone!

Three People Are Hiking Up a Hill in Forest

Chiropractic Care



Massage Therapy

We Can Help You Feel & Perform Better

Medication Is Not Treatment

Medication has its place, it may even be necessary, but it is a temporary solution. Say no to drugs. There is a better way.

We want to help you take care of the underlying problem. So that you can find a long term solution. Our team will help you create…

You Are Not Alone!

Medication Is Not a Treatment Plan | Woman Taking a Pill with Water
You Are Not Walking Alone | We Can Help

Our Team in Your Corner

You are not alone. Our team is your team.

Ataraxy is a team of caring, experienced, and knowledgeable clinicians who work hard to help you with your recovery, rehabilitation and ongoing physical maintenance.

We are here for you, and your long term health and vitality.

You Are Not Alone!

How We Can Help You

Enhancing Your Physical Well-Being

Chiropractic Care

Ataraxy Services: Chiropractor Chiropractic Care | Spine Bones Skeletal Structure


Ataraxy Services: Physiotherapy & Physiotherapist | Woman exercising shoulder with Physiotherapist


Kinesiologist is Helping Fit Woman with Strength & Stretching Exercises in Kinesiology Gym

Massage Therapy

Ataraxy Services: RMT, Registered Massage Therapy | Man Having a Massage with RMT
Dog Peaking Head Up Into Picture Frame

Every Discipline Has Something Unique to Offer You

That’s the Ataraxy Advantage!

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Specialty Services

Infant Massage

Ataraxy Services: Infant Massage | Baby Having an RMT Massage

Pregnancy Care

Physiotherapist or Kinesiologist is Training a Pregnant Woman for Healthy Pregnancy

Comprehensive Care for Complex People

Holistic Approach

Integrated Therapy

Personalized Treatment

Live a Healthy, Active, Vibrant Life

Enhance Recovery

Reduce or Eliminate Pain
Enhance Physical Well-Being
Increase Flexibility
Diminish Headaches
Heal Faster

Boost Performance

Maintain Functional Body
Optimize Your Performance
Increase Your Energy
Crush It at the Gym
Focused & Intense Workouts

Be Active & Enjoy Life

Recreational Activities
Quality Time With Family
Time With Grandchildren
Feel Better Now
Enjoy the Outdoors

The path to personal, family, relationship success starts with physical well-being.

Let Us Help You Heal

We Take Your Health & Vitality Very Seriously

Little Girl With Hands On Her Face Resting Elbows on Table

What You Can Expect

Option #1

Fast Track

You Know What You Need!

Make An Appointment
Come For Your Appointment
Health History & Goals Form
Meet Your Clinician
Explore Your Health & Vitality Goals
Assessment & Diagnosis
Personalized Treatment Plan
Enjoy Your Treatment
Exercise Treatment Plan
Appointment Based on Treatment Plan

Option #2

Vitality Consultation

Not Sure What You Need?

Book Your 15 Minute Vitality Consultation Call
Come for Your Appointment
History, Conditions, & Goals Form
Meet Your Clinician
Explore Your Health & Vitality Goals
Assessment & Diagnosis
Personalized Treatment Plan
Enjoy Your Treatment
Exercise Treatment Plan
Appointment Based on Treatment Plan

Share the Health & Vitality





Supporting Your Health & Vitality

Your body is complex. Sometimes you need an experienced team.

Your Own Team of Clinicians
Focused On You & Your Goals
Family Care Philosophy
Comprehensive Assessment
Personalized Treatment Plans
Multidiscipline Approach
Holistic Therapy
Complementary Disciplines
Integrated Therapy
Supportive Culture
A Woman With Back Problems is Visiting a Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, or RMT

Live a Healthy, Active, & Vibrant Lifestyle

We Can Help You Feel & Perform Better

Cute Little Girl Cross Eyed

People Really Love Our Clinicians

Real People, Real Results

Hiking West Coast Trail British Columbia

A Personal Note From Melody

My goal is to empower you to live a healthy, active, and vital lifestyle.

After 20 years as a nurse, I have seen firsthand how an inactive & unhealthy lifestyle can lead to devastating health concerns that land people in the hospital, prematurely.

I am regularly saddened by the number of people who could have avoided serious conditions with better self-care and physical maintenance.

That’s why I decided to use my nursing experience to start Ataraxy Health & Vitality.

I am committed to helping you feel better, recover quickly, feel energized, increase strength, boost performance, enhance your physical well-being, and be the best you that you can be.

You Don’t Need to Live With Pain

Pain, injury, accidents, and surgery are an unfortunate part of life. You don’t have to suffer alone.

The team at Ataraxy Health & Vitality want to empower you to live a healthy, active, and vibrant life.

This includes reducing or eliminating pain and injury’s that you may be experiencing.

If you are not sure what treatment option is right for you, then we can explore your treatment options with you.

Start your journey to health & vitality today!

The Ataraxy Attitude

To maintain a positive attitude & mindset.
This lays the foundation for health & recovery.
To create a supportive & encouraging environment.
This inspires healing & recovery.
To promote a caring & compassionate culture.
This will cultivate a healing community.

All with enthusiasm, high energy, and a smile!

The Ataraxy Focus

This is not about us, it is about you!
You are our primary focus.
Your physical needs, desires, and goals.
Your health & vitality.
Your function & recovery
Your fitness & performance.

Your success is our success!

Ataraxy Health and Vitality Logo for Chiropractic Care, Physiotherapy, Kinesiology, Massage Therapy

The Ataraxy Promise

We will work hard to empower you to live a healthy, active, and vibrant lifestyle.

We promise to do whatever we can to meet your physical needs so that you can live pain free, achieve your goals, and perform at optimal levels.

This is not about us, it is about you!
Your physical needs, desires, and goals.
Your health & vitality.
Your function & recovery.
Your fitness & performance.
A Little Blond Girl Covering Her Face with Her Hands with Emotion

Do You Have a Question?

Check Our FAQs

Health & Vitality Articles

Get In Touch

Ataraxy Health & Vitality

Address: #103-2000 Enterprise Way, Kelowna

Phone: 778.581.5815